As we have closed 2016 and have started our journey into 2017, there are a lot of things to look and be thankful for. I have been very fortunate to have a job I love and also be doing something like this when I have time. There are a lot of great people in our small community. It’s small, but that is okay. This thing, if you will, isn’t about getting the most number of people in a community. Or making sure that I make $25/day/account kinda stuff. It’s been about doing something that I like, and talking about stuff that I enjoy.
As I move forward into 2017, there are a lot of things that I have planned and also wish to do. I will continue to bring content that I think is relevant. I will also write about things that I like and think need explaining or reviewed in a way that is easier to understand.
I, like a lot of people, am going to make sure that I have the best equipment that meets my needs. And as I get it, hopefully bring you along to be part of that process. For example, the continuing process of setting up the office and getting the right equipment for the things I wish to do and accomplish.
I, plan to keep giving things away and also plan to do a lot more writing about various things. I also hope to do a lot more reviews. I like to see what is going out there and test stuff out. Sometimes successful and sometimes not, but what fun is there in always winning??? Kinda gets boring after a while.
2017 should be an awesome year. I have a lot going on, and hopefully you will come with me on the journey of enjoying technology and also have a little fun as well.
I look forward to 2017! And I hope you do as well.